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How much can you get from a spinal injury?

How much can you get from a spinal injury?

Can you imagine a life where you can no longer move your hands and legs, where your world becomes restricted to what your eyes see, and where the simplest of everyday tasks like standing up or eating become impossible?

Besides losing your motor, and sensory functions, spinal cord injuries can result in life long disabilities and loss of ability to earn any money. The majority of spinal cord injury patients want to know whether or not they are able to receive any type of financial compensation for the injuries they have suffered and how much spinal injury compensation they will get.

Potential Compensation

The more severe the spinal injury is, the higher the amount of compensation is. The disability and the limit of mobility will determine that as well. Some key factors that impact the potential value of a spinal cord injury claim include:

- Grade of injury - Extensive injuries (those involving the cervical and the thoracic) that affect mobility and sensation usually require a higher amount of compensation than non-affecting lumbar or sacral injuries.

- Complete Vs. incomplete injury - Complete loss of function and sensation below the lesion level is worth more when you make decisions about the compensation.

- Disability age - Younger victims are often disabled for longer lifelong time periods, which increases their rewards.

- Unable to earn and the benefits - Current and future unobtainable earnings, healthcare fees, etc. are included.

Compensation Components

A spinal injury claim may provide compensation for a variety of losses stemming from the injury, such as:

- Medical bills from the instance, surgery, spa and homecare are often a burden.

- Workers would lose their income, opportunity to access social and other benefits, and they risk elimination from the labor market which might affect their future earning capability.

- Costs of mechanical devices and house healthcare ensure service.

- Pain and suffering

- Besides pain, sleep disturbances, and lack of appetite, the patient also mentioned a loss of interest in hobbies that used to make him happy.

Settlement Ranges

While every spinal injury case is different, some general settlement ranges for major injury types include:

- Paraplegia (two limbs are rendered useless) - 500,000 to 2 million dollars.

- Quadriplegia, which means inability to use all four limbs - a sum of $1 million to $5 million or more.

Proving Fault

To entitle themselves to compensation, the injured victim who has a spinal problem must recite that it was caused by another party’s fault or negligence. An injured person can then sue for damages through monies owed from insurance policies, or through filing a personal injury suit.

This is a major reason leading to the fact that the compensation which is a victim entitled to is of high importance; it takes account of all social dimensions the victim experiences. A competent personal injury lawyer is in the best position to evaluate your case and you navigate the long and complex journey of obtaining full compensation through a settlement or jury award.
How much can you get from a spinal injury?


How much can you get from a spinal injury?


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